
Sunday, February 3, 2019

Telecommunication :: Communication Technology Media Essays

Tele conferenceAbstractWhat is telecommunication? Although a considerable fig of studies have been actu on the wholey conducted on telecommunication, I have never had schoolman opportunity to examine what it is. While the word ?etelecommunication?f has been brought to public attention, how some of us rat exactly localise it? How numerous of us can explain it in cultural context as well as in technological context? In my opinion, the word ?etelecommunication?f seems to be going forward itself so that our consciousness cannot catch up with it. As a new graduate student of the department of telecommunication, I apprehend to comprehensively understand what telecommunication is, and organize present issues systematically by dint of this article. According to the requirement, this article consists of the following areas and issues in telecommunication key heads that telecommunication tries to answer methods for studying, researching, and creating in telecommunication and my learni ng and career goals for my telecommunication MA.What is telecommunication?In order to answer a kind of vague call into question such as what telecommunication is, I would like to focus on the areas in telecommunication in the beginning. Carne (1995) proposed the followingTelecommunication means communication from afar it is the action of communicating-at-distance. In the broadest sense, it can include several ship canal of communicating (letters, telegraphs, telephone, etc) however, it is customary to associate it only with electronic communication systems such as telephone, data communication, radio, and television. (p.5) From this viewpoint, one may say that telecommunication is literally one of the ways of communication to receive or send massages. The question I have to ask here is what communication is. We unconsciously engagement the word ?ecommunication?f in a daily life. Then, how can we define communication, whose categories seem to range widely? In 1985 Charp and Hines described communication as the method by which we exchange sounds, signals, pictures and languages between people and places (p.13). From this definition, I derive that discussion in a class, conversation with someone by phone, penning a letter, reading a newspaper, and watching television are all grouped into the same category named communication because we exchange something with somebody by them. The question is what unalikeiates one communication from the other at more detail categories. The first thing I notice is that the way of communication is different from each other in some cases, communication from one to many or many to many, in the others, however, communication in person. In addition, it seems to expect on whether it is mediated or not.

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